Open Design – Modular Magnetic Miniature Mounting

By Nulltek

Storage and transport of painted miniatures is one of the most annoying aspects of being involved in tabletop gaming. After several unsuccessful storage iterations using instrument foam, I came up with the idea of putting magnets in their bases and attaching them to some sort of a steel mounting bracket. A steel surface alone, while…

Lock-down and adjusting to the ‘home-office’

By Nulltek

There’s no arguing 2020 has been a unusual year. We are living through what may be one of the most pivotal events in the last few generations. While it’s anyone’s guess what the long term impact of this virus will be, many of us will likely be transitioning to work remotely for the foreseeable future.…

NullTek Disciple – Bringing UART OS to an Open-Source Embedded Platform

By Nulltek

It’s become apparent that a I need a configurable multipurpose embedded control system. This is something I have been theorizing the designs for since I was in university (See Butterfly Board). Now with me putting a more intense focus on developing out the NullTek open-ecosystem, I would like to design and build a controlling ‘hub’…

An inexperienced exploration pfSense CE

By Nulltek

As an electronic engineer with a strong base in software development, I’ve had peripheral exposure to networking, but I had never delved deeply into routing. Among growing fears surrounding Huawei hardware, I felt like it was a bit of a blemish on whatever engineering credentials I do have to be running gateway hardware which I…

Jellyfin – The new Nemesis of Plex Server

By Nulltek

Plex server has been a staple of my home cloud since my media server was comprised of a laptop with the screen snapped off (literal headless server). However with the increasing ambiguity of their terms of service and privacy agreements I had been feeling more and more uneasy running this software inside my LAN. These…

Adaptive Alogrithms – The Double Edged Sword in Manufacturing

By Nulltek

With the intense focus the world currently has on data, there has been a push towards collating this useful information to improve the runtime efficiency of historically slow processes. The flow on effect of this trend is companies pushing towards optimisation and efficiency in all facets of algorithmic programming.